At this moment.. i just got back from the E.R.. My brother, Cado was hitted by the gate when he want to close it. It didn't sound serious but, when it comes to HEAD, it is serious!! We are worried about him especially my parents. They saw it happened in front of their eyes. Mula2 OK lagi, then Cado macam xbetul. I mean dia mcm mau pengsan. Then muntah2. Then he was rushed to the E.R. Haihhh without warning things like this can happen. Harap2 tiada apa2 yang serious. He was admitted to the ward for further check-up. Seriously I'm worried!!! OMG.
OMG!!Secara xlgsung aku pon risau ni..abg aku tu..mcm mn leh cuai agaknye..dia baru kata kat aku ritu psal single tbaru..tibe2 ini pulak jadi..hope tade ape2 bad blaku la..pray for him :(
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